Here's truth about people of Pakistan
I am here to clear few things.
Ali Hani
You tell me that there is a glass of water tied to water coolers in Pakistan because people here are unbelievers but you do not tell me that the person who placed cooler there was also a Pakistani whose intention was to do virtue.
You tell me that shoes are taken from Masjid and now the house of Allah is not safe but you do not tell how many Pakistanis have added a few coins to their limited and unlimited income or millions of checks in part you do not tell about the ones paying electricity bills for the comfort of you.
You tell me if there was an accident at one place people go out for the wallet but you did not tell that those who were carrying them to the hospital were also the same people. These are the people who have given blood after each accident.
You tell me that some people had eaten the aid that was for the trouble some of earthquake but you do not tell that millions of people who sent trucks full of clothes and food after the 2005 earthquake to the troubled brothers were also Pakistanis.
You tell us that at a check-post a policeman shot a young man but you forget how many child of mothers have been killed.
You give me examples of Bill Gates's welfare tasks but forget my Edhi sahib.
You tell me that there was a Musharraf and Yahya Khan but you forgot that there was Major Aziz Bhatti, Mohammad Hussein, Major Tafeel and Lalak Jan.
You tell me about Bangladesh whose doctor Yunus got a Nobel Prize from Grameen Bank but you forget my doctor Amjad Saqib.
You tell me that teachers of my school are ignorant and they are cruel to children but you forget about jump made by Shajee Nasrulla from the bank of river. You forget my Sami Nooren who burnt herself to save many children. You forget Tahira Qazi from the Army Public School.
You keep spreading frustration I keep spreading the love. I know that this ray. One day my courtyards will be filled with light you will fall when I am smiling on the last stair of success but I will also welcome you to say that I have peace and security. Love is Pakistan, I am Pakistan.
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